In compliance with Article 10 of Law 34/2002, of July 11, Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce, below are the identifying data of the Holder:
Website | https://www.hersill.com |
Holder | HERSILL, S.L. (hereinafter referred to as HERSILL) |
Address | C/ Puerto de Navacerrada 3. 28930 Mostoles – Madrid (SPAIN) |
VAT | ESB28309581 |
Registry data | Registered in the Mercantile Registry of Madrid |
Phone | (+34) 91 616 60 00 |
Fax | (+34) 91 616 48 92 |
info@hersill.com |
Any person accessing the HERSILL Website shall be deemed to be a User. The User undertakes to use the website and those services made available through it, in accordance with the law, morals, good customs and public order, as well as the provisions of this clause. Consequently, it is obliged not to use the Web for illicit purposes or effect and/or contrary to what is established, harmful to the rights and/or interests of third parties or which, in any way, may damage the Web or prevent its normal use, or the services accesible through it.
The use of the Web and/or its Services, will suppose the full acceptance and without reserves, and the validity, of each and every one of the clauses gathered in the last updated version of this Legal Warning, reason why the User will have to be conscious of the importance of reading them every time that visits the Web.
The source code, graphic designs, images, photographs, videos, sounds, animations, software, texts, as well as the information and contents included in the Web are protected by Spanish legislation on intellectual and industrial property right in favour of HERSILL or third party licensors. The reproduction and/or publication, total or partial, of the Web, nor its computer treatment, distribution, diffusion, modification, transformation or decompilation, nor any other rights legally recognised to its owner, is not permitted without the prior written permission of the owner. The User, only and exclusively, can use the material that appears in the Web for his personal and private use, being prohibited his use with commercial ends or to incur in illicit activities. All intellectual property rights are expressly reserved by HERSILL or the third party licensors, who will ensure compliance with the above conditions ant the proper use of the content presented on their websites, exercising all civil and criminal actions that apply in the event of infringement or breach of these rights by the User.
HERSILL shall not be liable for any damages, whatever their nature, arising from the use of the information, the contents of the Website and the programmes it incorporates. The links and hypertext which, through the Web, enable the User to access features and services offered by third parties do not belong to and are not under the control of HERSILL, so that HERSILL is not responsible for the information contained therein or for any effects which may derive from such information.
HERSILL hereby undertakes not to engage in misleading advertising. To these effects, misleading advertising does not include formal or numeric errors that may be found throughout the content of the difference sections of the Web, produced as a consequence of incomplete maintenance and/or updating of the information contained in these sections. HERSILL, as consequence of the provisions of this paragraph, undertakes to correct such errors as soon as it becomes aware of them.
HERSILL undertakes not to send commercial communications without identifying them as such, in accordance with the provisions of Law 34/2002 on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce. For these purposes, no information sent to HERSILL customers will be considered as commercial communication, provided its purpose is to maintain the existing contractual relationship between the customer and HERSILL, as well as to carry out the tasks of information and other activities related to the service that the customer has contracted.
This Legal Notice and all relations between HERSILL and the User of the Website and its services shall be governed by the provisions of Spanish law. Any contoversy shall be submitted to the Courts and Tribunals of the city of Madrid.
HERSILL, S.L. – Last revised: February 2025