MADRID CHAMBER OF COMMERCE | NEWS | Madrid | 17 NOVEMBER 2020 Yesterday, 17 November 2020, the 4th Madrid 2020 SME of the Year Award was held at the Santoña Palace in Madrid, organised by Santander Bank, Spanish Chamber, the Chamber of Commerce of Madrid and...
HOLA | SOCIEDAD | Madrid | 17 NOVEMBER 2020 PREMIOS CIUDADANOS | Madrid | 12 NOVEMBER 2020 After celebrating its 25th anniversary a year ago, a new edition, the 26th, of the ‘Ciudadanos’ Awards was held last Thursday, November 12. An event that,...
Madrid |16 JULY 2020 Last Thursday 16th July, HERSILL had the pleasure of being invited as an attendee to the State Tribute held in the Plaza de la Armería of the Royal Palace in Madrid in memory of all the victims of the COVID-19 and the workers in the sectors...
EUROPA PRESS | Madrid |30 JUNE 2020 AECID.ES | NEWSROOM | HEALTH | Mauritania | 06 JULY 2020 In view of the shortage of resuscitation material in Mauritania, the Spanish Agency for International Cooperation for Development (AECID), dependent on the Ministry of...
#TechnologyforLiving | RUTH RUÍZ | FENIN | Madrid |09 JUNE 2020 Gloves for protection against microorganisms, sanitary gloves and dual gloves are the three basic types of gloves for dealing with the coronavirus that are explained in a new infographic. The...
During these months of the pandemic, the vital and indispensable role that mechanical ventilation plays in the survival of a large number of Covid-19 patients has become apparent. The VITAE®40 ventilator has become a key ally for health professionals by offering them...