HERSILL | NEWS | CSR | DEVELOPMENT COOPERATION | 22 NOVEMBER 2022 The pandemic has created a learning crisis for children around the world, and today 70 per cent of 10-year-olds cannot understand a simple text. We want to change this reality and that’s why we...
HERSILL | NEWS | CSR | DEVELOPMENT COOPERATION | 27 JULY 2022 As part of its collaboration with the Recover Foundation, Hersill has helped improve the electrical installation of a rural hospital in Cameroon. In this country, 80 per cent of the population does...
HERSILL | NEWS | CSR | DEVELOPMENT COOPERATION | 07 JULY 2022 “Challenge 30×15” is a campaign promoted by the Association of Volunteers of CaixaBank, together with the Association Messengers of Peace and the Convent of Santa Clara Foundation, which aims to...
HERSILL | NEWS | Development Cooperation, Corporate Social Responsibility |MAY 2022 The Atabal Foundation for Development Cooperation has been working since 2001 and carries out its projects mainly in Sierra Leone, one of the most impoverished and...
FUNDACIÓN RECOVER | NEWS | Madrid |16 FEBRUARY 2022 The St. Dominique Hospital in Djunang is located in a rural area of Cameroon and is one of the centers with which the Recover Foundation has been collaborating in the country for 15 years. This hospital treats more...
FUNDACIÓN RECOVER | NEWS | Madrid |22 JUNE 2021 The scarcity of infrastructure, equipment and qualified health personnel, as well as the long distances to reach medical centres in rural areas of Cameroon, mean that access to quality health care is a challenge...