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#CódigoVida, Emergency services, a vital issue

#CódigoVida, Emergency services, a vital issue

The #CodigoVida campaign is one of those communication actions with which you participate in the improvement of a sector, not only by the simple fact of publicizing the mission of your company in it, but also by having the opportunity to contribute to the improvement of such an important aspect as the quality of health care of patients.

Women in Technology: Hersill makes progress in integrating

Women in Technology: Hersill makes progress in integrating

There is still a long way to go towards equality between men and women in general and in STEM professions. For every nine men studying a career in these fields, there is only one woman, according to a report presented in 2023 by Esade and carried out with the support of Banco Santander.

50 anniversary hersill

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