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Fenin and companies in the Health Technology sector make unprecedented efforts to manufacture, import and distribute medical products to combat COVID-19
#TechnologyforLiving | RUTH RUÍZ | FENIN | Madrid |07 APRIL 2020 Eight keys to understanding the Federation's action plan Coordination and cooperation with the Ministry of Health to identify companies that can supply or import healthcare material into Spain....

Public and Private sector United in the manufacture of 5,000 Ventilators in the fight against COVID-19 in Spain
VENTILATORS THAT SAVE LIFES | MINISTRY OF INDUSTRY, TRADE AND TOURISM | 08 APRIL 2020 Video explaining how the Spanish public and private sector, in the face of the lack of artificial ventilators, join forces, knowledge and a high level of professionalism with...

HERSILL Multiplies Ventilator Production while Country holds its Breath
CORONAVIRUS VENTILATORS | RAÚL CASADO | EFE | Madrid The Hersill company, a family business founded in 1973 and located in the town of Mostoles, Madrid, has multiplied its production, especially of respirators or pulmonary ventilators, while the country holds...