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HERSILL receives Event of the Year 2020 Covid-19 Award at the 26th ‘Ciudadanos’ Awards
HOLA | SOCIEDAD | Madrid | 17 NOVEMBER 2020 PREMIOS CIUDADANOS | Madrid | 12 NOVEMBER 2020 After celebrating its 25th anniversary a year ago, a new edition, the 26th, of the 'Ciudadanos' Awards was held last Thursday, November 12. An event that, like almost all...

HERSILL inaugurates its photovoltaic system on its premises
HERSILL, in line with Goal 7 of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals set out in the UN 2030 Agenda: Ensuring access to affordable, safe, sustainable and modern energy, put its photovoltaic system into operation at its facilities last July 2020. OBJECTIVE: to take the necessary measures to save energy and thereby reduce the company’s carbon-fabrication.

HERSILL attends State Tribute to COVID-19 victims in Spain
Madrid |16 JULY 2020 Last Thursday 16th July, HERSILL had the pleasure of being invited as an attendee to the State Tribute held in the Plaza de la Armería of the Royal Palace in Madrid in memory of all the victims of the COVID-19 and the workers in the sectors...

The AECID manages the shipment of VITAE 40 ventilators and health personnel to Mauritania as a reinforcement in the fight against COVID-19
EUROPA PRESS | Madrid |30 JUNE 2020 AECID.ES | NEWSROOM | HEALTH | Mauritania | 06 JULY 2020 In view of the shortage of resuscitation material in Mauritania, the Spanish Agency for International Cooperation for Development (AECID), dependent on the Ministry of...